Make a Purchase

Ready to invest in your future? Here's how to get started.

When you're ready to purchase your first asset on the PEAKDEFI Investment Platform, there are a few key steps you'll need to follow. Following these simple steps, you can easily purchase assets on the Platform.

👉 Head to the product page of the asset you would like to purchase. For our example, we will use

👉 Connect your wallet before you can take any further action

Connect A Wallet

👉 Your purchase panel should now look like this - in this state you proceed to choose what asset you would like to use to make this purchase.

👉 Clicking on the left of the blue "Max" button presents a popup of all available exchange tokens.

👉 In this example, we purchase .39 PDYF in exchange for 0.3974 DAI - using our max exchange feature.

👉 If you have never made a token transaction on our dApp with these tokens, you will have to approve the transfer of these assets before we can sell them. To continue, click "Approve".

👉 In this first transaction, you are giving the yield fund platform access to your exchange asset (DAI in this example) so that we can sell it for our preferred asset PDYF.

👉 Once the approval has been confirmed, you can proceed with the final transaction stage, which is the exchange.

👉 Confirm this final transaction and your new exchange will be made!

👉 Your new exchange panel should reflect the value changes of selling the first asset (DAI) in exchange for receiving the second asset (PDYF).

Last updated